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Monday, June 30, 2008, 4:37 AM
I'm blogging~I'm at home, not at work. Too sick to go work lars. Was stuck in the toilet when i woke up just now. That bad. My tummy isn't listening to me. Is either i don't sick, then ltr out of the sudden, i fall really ill. Or i fall sick that often, that it takes me 1 day to recover only. Sian. Very very very very soon, I'm starting school. It's another 1 more week for me to prepare. WOOOOOHOOOOOO~ I know it's gonna be damn tiring, I know it's gonna be hell in the kitchen, I know it's gonna be ............... (so on) BUT! I don't care, that's what i want in life. :] I got nothing to say sia. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =.= Sunday, June 29, 2008, 3:33 AM
Alrights people.I'm currently going damn crazy over bags. And it's LV bags. Oh man!!!! God, pls give me one. Anw, I saved some pictures from the internet. Take a look at these bags, they're gorgeous. WHAAAA!!!! Can anyone give me as a birthday pressie? AAARRRGGGGHHHHHH!!! Tivoli GM ![]()
People, Daddy! buy me one when u go london! Friday, June 27, 2008, 2:15 PM
Back here to blog.Didnt't have a good night yesterday. Didn't sleep. Was sick. Morning woke up at 4+ to vomit. Then ltr went into mumy's aircon room to slp. But ended up didn't sleep much also, keep running to the toilet. Sigh. Total slept abt only 4-5 hours. Then went to doctor. Doc said it was infection. Either the drink/food got problem or the cups/plates didn't wash properly. Came home. Slept on and off again. Fever went up and down up and down. Not forgetting to mention. Edmond made my day. He made me smile. Becos how he put it, where by wad he look forward to school. Thanks edmond:) Damn. Damn it. Damn paiseh can. I saw simone online. I started saying yoyo. Then she no reply. So i nudge her twice. Called her twice on skype. Then end up her mummy reply me. Saying that simone's not home yet. Paiseh sia... *blush* I'm tired. But i don't know if i can sleep well ltr. I had been slp then wake up non-stop. It seems more than infection. It seems like there's insomia involved. Sigh. I'm going school for the 1st time tomorrow! Worms in the mind. Thursday, June 26, 2008, 7:08 AM
Came back from office not long.Seen everyone's faces, except for that exception 1 person's. Judy treated me lunch. Wanted to treat them desert instead. But didn't have enough time. Next wk, I'll treat them back desert. Felt very nice to see a few people. Saw bosses too. Everyone ask me work. hahas. Even mr loh also, asked me to start work. Christopher still same, 'playing' with me. Amy still same, sitting in the middle of moutains of papers. Nancy, best, the face like dunno what. I'm sure she's damn busy! LOL! I'm tired, but I can't sleep. Tried sleeping in the bus, but i can't fall asleep at all. There's so much things going round in my mind. My mind is twirled, all times. I don't know what i'm thinking. Seriously, i don't know what i'm thinking. I don't know what i want. Sigh. Think i've got insomia lehs, take quite sometime to fall asleep at night. Sigh. Wednesday, June 25, 2008, 2:36 PM
Here blogging again.Was staying at home for the whole day. Sis was home too. She's sick. She went to the doctor, but i didn't go along. Tomorrow will be having lunch appointment. Sian. Dunno when can get my medical report results and cert. Hopefully by thurs. Fri having orientation le. Aww, wonder how will it be like. It's a damn damn short orientation. Is like 9-2???! Did some reading up on cooking basic just now in the afternoon. Did some highlighting as well. It's the book i bought from borders the other time. It's damn ex a book. Just talked to him, he said he's clearing up he's thoughts. Will talk to me ltr. Was asking if simone's that photoshop edit will cost how much. Shall wait for him to reply. I want to go walk the 9km. No one would go with me. I hope i can go alone, but sis will nv allow. Sigh. He's telling me that he's troubled. Finally i get a step closer to his thoughts. 2years later i shall see how. He said that he'll wait for another 2 years, total making 3 years. Then he'll see how it goes. Well, let the nature takes it's course. But definitely, it's not gonna be the case where by i see him only if i treats him a meal. Definitely there was awkwardness ytrday. I'm just trying to tell myself, he's gonna be my big bro only. And yes, he'll be. I feel like baking. I feel like cooking. But who will the the one eating? Is there anyone who volunteers to be my guinea pig? anw, i told him to be my guinea pig. Dunno is he willing not. LOLS! I'm damn sian damn bored. Tuesday, June 24, 2008, 3:56 PM
YOYO!Blogging le. Here's photos taken from today's dinner. (mostly simone camwhored.) ![]() That's all. I was like feeling hot all the way throughout. But i think i was blushing instead. LOLS! And yar, the next dinner, who late who pay! LOLS! I waited for abt an hour before both of them came in... Ate abt 80+. Still alright lar, I expected this amount. Then took bus together, i alighted 1st. Can feel that he's so stress, when he talk about vanessa. Some people don't see the nice in other people. Cheese. 5:30 AM
Back from medical checkup.The jab's making my head spin. Blood Pressure went down already. happy happy. 'cos i play cheat de, I didn't have breakfast. Weight went down abt 4-5kg since beginning of the year. LOL! 1 month about 1kg. Chatting with ex-colleagues now. They seems to be fine. HAHAS~ good for them. I miss them sia. I miss NANSI, AMY, JUDY. Tonight meeting him and simone for dinner. Treating them. They listened to me complained far too much. Esp him lar, listen to me complain, from school, frenship, family to work. Simone is listen to frenship, relationship and work.. Sigh. I want go play maple liao byes~ Monday, June 23, 2008, 2:53 PM
Back to blog.Serene says that I'm blogging too often. Yes, and the reason behind is, i'm just too free. And, i don't think there's anyone who will be willing to be there, for hours to listen to my nonsense. Sian. Boss gave me 2 choices. I don't know which to choose. But likely the second choice bahs. Staying on. Went work today. Morning the weather was damn shiok. But i can't sleep extra. Fay came to visit. And for lunch too. Went makan at miao jie. Serene didn't eat again, she just drank bubble tea. Contacted ms tan. She seems to be doing well. Oh well, she happy then ok liao lor.. Hais, im damn sian... Moodswing again lor... Sunday, June 22, 2008, 2:04 PM
I'm trying to escape.And i know it. I'm tired and I'm worn out. I'm sick and tired to be treated this way. Sacartism, can't there be any other things between u and me? Went to old school. For the opening of the exhibition. Saw those art pieces. The one i would really prefer is the on about kids de. Think china bahs, i not so sure. But afterall, it's worth it, cos simone was there complimenting on felicia chin. And she doesn't know wad she said. He does washes away the unhappiness in me. I don't know why, it's just so natural. But he does looks stress. Either from the work, or his r/s with vanessa bahs. Anw, I'm only going to care as a fren.. That's all for today... Saturday, June 21, 2008, 5:28 PM
I'm blogging in the morning of 21 june.Happy birthday to my kor kor~ Sigh, I'm feeling real guilty. To that someone, I chose the 'road' to tell u straight what's wrong with you, is b'cos i hopes that she can accept and change for the better. However, instead she can't accept it. And now, it's more like a cold war, let it be if i'm blocked on msn. But what i really wants to say is that, if these carries on, people would really shun away. Let it be there u doesn't need my exsistence. And probably becos of me, I've caused troubles. Save the word 'sorry'. I feel sorry for her, but i wouldn't say it out. 'cos i did nothing wrong. I'm trying to help. I've alr state the facts there for her to think and relfect, but if she doesn't there's nth i can do. Y is adults so troublesome? Oh man! But i thank god, That I was given these chances to develop myself. I don't know how to put it. But seriously, I'm not saying her for personal attack, I doing it because everyone feels it that way. And so far, I'm the only one who voiced out. Take it as a chng will u? Just accept things the way given to u. Only accepting feedbacks will turn u into a person. Everyone out there should learn to accept feedbacks, feedbacks are meant for improvement, and not critise. And everyone should learn to keep their words that are given. 6:30 AM
I've really got nothing much to do at home.Hence i keep blogging. Alrights, woke up at about 11 this morning. Drank soup that mum prepared for me. Then later on, i heat up leftover veg for lunch. I drank green tea as well. Did some workout just now. For an hour. Was doing twisting, some crunches, jogging on the spot. Drench in perspiration. It feels good. I want to lose weight. And i seriously mean it. Going out later with Daddy n Fay. Dinner at Sun with moon @ orchard. I'm dressing up too later. So is Fay. Daddy I'm not sure. Maybe I'll see her in western suit later. LOL! I connected my old broadband modem to laptop, if not forever don't need use liao. I uninstall maple from laptop. Seems to have problem with the patch though. So I uninstall everything then ltr on install again lor. Sigh. MBF. I'm troubled again. I'm confused again. Sigh. Friday, June 20, 2008, 5:05 PM
I'm blogging again...I just watch Hearty Paws for the second time. And I'm still crying over the show. It's like in the show, the brother lost his one and only sister in an accident. Their mother left them when they're very young. After the girl died, the brother went to look for their mom. But in the end, the mom thought he looked for her, for debts. He didn't manage to tell his mom about the death of his sister. He went through ups & down when he's all alone at the city area. Hearty (the dog) followed him all the way from village. Poor Dog. They were both bullied during this period of time. Beaten up. His mom only learn about the sister's death when she was signing the documents of her visa to america. She apologised to him, But he doesn't seems to accept, his sister died, and hearty is dying too. He went back to home with mom(village). Hearty died, when they were at the bus stop. Thinking that younger sis would return. Hearty died, leaving brother alone with his mom. Okay, let me tell u why i share with u guys this story. Despite watching it the second time, i still cried. It really shows u the kind of care and concern u get, even though it's frm a dog. And how painful it is, to lose a family member. I'm very scared that mummy will leave me one day. Daddy left. That's wad i always tell mummy, but she'll always say, 'I still have to leave one day.' I've seen one friend, whom both parents left. I'm afraid. I see the pain she suffered, I'm scared. When I watch shows regarding death, I'm really afraid of losing my mum. I've never told her how i feels towards her. I bicker with her everytime. I always says that she's naggy. I... I've did so much things that a daughter usually doesn't. I know i should reflect and amend my ways, but i always say that, I've never change. i change she'll find me weird. Mummy, sorry. I always dream that u leave me, think of it. I tear everytime. Even in my sleep. I love my mummy. And seriously mean it, though i don't say it to her. Alrights, i think i've typed alot of bullshitting things. But believe or not up to you lar. I just blogging my thoughts. If u think i'm talking crap to attract attention. Then don't read. Bye~ 1:31 PM
Realised that i've beenn updating quite consistently.But now I can't play maple. Cos there's a auto downloading of a patch just updated by administrator this morning. Then, i use wireless @ sg, yet at wireless i can't download anything at all. Sigh. So i played SIMS this morning. I built a big big house. Only 2 people stay in there. :) Sian, now want play maple also cannot. And daddy, where are u? U like went missing like that. Msg u yet u got no reply. I don't see u on msn at all. I dun see u updating ur blog as regular as u used to. Where u daddy?! WHERE R U?! And btw, Wanying, u'll go and walk with me the 9km walk right? I can't wait for u to go with me. :D Shall we go asap? As soon as u're free? It'll be nice if DADDY & NEW MUMMY would go. LOLS~ Thursday, June 19, 2008, 3:46 PM
Back to blog again!Today was supose to go cycling with wanying de. But end up lehs, on the way, at payaleba there, rained heavily. So we ended up shopping at parkway parade. Then i came home take laptop, went to wanying hse again. Played maple. Everyone else seems to be training faster than mine. Anw, thought it through. Giving up on that iceman. Tired of waiting though. I shall tell myself, I won't go think about relationship thingy, until i lose weight. I know i can do it de. ALSO! Simone, i found a mummy. HAHA, met wanying's fren ytrday, Khien Shin (did i spell correctly?) Yar, sort of a clown though, abit lar... But easy going guy. lols... Okay, that's all for today. I going train my maple liao:) Tuesday, June 17, 2008, 3:26 PM
I'm blogging second post of the day.For the whole afternoon I was doing up my blog. I change skin. Quite satisfied though. It's quite cute, quite nice. And I like the part I put the song. And the song lyrics. Wanted to put xiang shui you du derhs, but didn't manage to. So put my second choice. And today, New discovery. I don't like adults. Can't adults just settle their own problem their own dispute. Y issit that they have to drag me in there? And y issit that adults can't do their own reflections? Y do they have to wait for ppl to tell them? And when ppl tell them, they don't accept it? Oh man! What are ppl up to lately huh? What's wrong?! Anw, tml i going out with wanying, at nite going her place to dl things. Then wed going ECP most likely. For cycling. With wanying too. At the same time. I'm happy today. From yesterday morning (sun) to today morning(mon), I lost abt >1.5kg. Happy, Jiayou Jiayou. I will loss more weight de. Trust myself, trust me. Believe that i can do it :) 5:00 AM
Back here to blog.As some of u ppl know, I went meidacorp yesterday for u r the one. Okie, shall not say who i was suppose to support, But definitely, i was there for 5566, zax wang. Oh man! I miss him so much! Haven't been seeing 5566 in singapore for quite sometime. But what a pity, only 2 of them came. And guess what, I can't believe that barbie doll is his girlfren. Oh man. Stupid barbie face. I dun like her. I dun think he deserves to be my sis friend sia. Got girlfriend liao, don't need friends anymore. And best part, people who were once his close friend, doesn't know they're together. yar, the more i talk abt it, I'm getting fustrated. And he's no longer the quarelling kaki. He doesn't quarel with me anymore. Sigh. Do you call this friendship? I don't think so. I miss 5566... Sunday, June 15, 2008, 3:15 PM
Blogging~I'm using laptop to post now:) Making use of the damn low internet connection on wireless@sg. Anw, can use can liao. HAHAHAS! So i went for my hair cut and hair treatment this morning. So damn nice feeling now, my hair. It's sort of cheap also. Auntie did parting for me. Cos dunno y my parting went back to middle. Went amk to use internet just now. WTH! thinking can download my things. End up can't. Alrights, I'm a noob to wireless, k. LOLS~ Hopefully internet at home would be up soon, likely to be up by this upcoming week. Anw, i was damn pissed at work. Some idiotic dumbass irresponsible freak. Left work undone, shitted and left. Then i got to help her clear her shit. I left abit of those for her to do, then she returned me double the amt i gave her. WTH! fucked-up at work today. Okays, I need to sleep soon. Another challenging day tml. ANW, HAPPY DADDYS' DAY TO SIMONE DADDY! Saturday, June 14, 2008, 8:36 AM
Hoho!I'm using laptop now to blog! HOHOHOHOHO! I'm loving it! Stay so far away from amkhub, but still can get connected to amk de wireless. Bought acer travelmate 6292. Love it so much!!!! After so long finally manage to get my own laptop. :P Bro said he bought laptop also, acer also. He's like superly damn rich cans?! 1st got bike that cost 8k. then now, buy laptop! GRRRR!!! But i love my laptop:) Monday, June 9, 2008, 3:59 PM
Back to blogging.It seems like i'm always blogging in the midnight. 'Cos of computer lar, then i can't use internet. Sis was suggesting that we get the laptop later, to sign the wireless later. I told her i don't want. I already had enough of this comp. But I don't want to talk back too much. 'cos afterall, if i talk back, i can forget about even buying a laptop. So, PRAY HARD, that i'll get my laptop. She said that it's becos she want wait for me get my student pass 1st. Then get a cheaper premium. Which i think it's actually similar lars. I should be attending the opening of the art exhibition on 21st. Fay is so good. She's willing to adjust the dinner timing just for me. I'm waiting for Simone Daddy to reply my sms. I wish she can go with me. If not i'll be stupidly damn awkward. Simone Daddy. :) Friday, June 6, 2008, 4:26 PM
Back to blog again.If i don't blog later people say i don't blog everyday. I went pretty lots of places today. 1stly went to aljunied to get my chef uniform. 2ndly, to geylang to get my theory uniform. 3rdly, tampines for shopping! Hoho! I bought quite alot of things though. Got 2 pairs of shoes, 1 at isetan 1 at BHG. gotten a pair of court shoe, damn comfy derhs. @ only $20. Bought a pair of CarloRino lady's Sandal at only $29! Save alot hor. And they're damn comfy damn nice:) Going out next week again. Next wk get laptop. Can't wait for it sia! Then going marina sq to get my crocs covered toes shoe. Hoho! Spending quite alot these days huh. It's such a sense of satisfation. After working for like 6 months + going 7 months. I'm spending the money to buy all this things, that is gonna walk with me for the next few years:) I'm feeling happy. But at the same time. I'm at a low point again. Tomorrow going back for PSL family day. I don't know how i'm gonna face ms lim. That time like that say her during the farewell. But yar, besides that. I gave her my words that i'll go back to give presentations and etc when she needs me to go back. I broke that promise. And i hate myself for that. Anw, i'll be going back to lend them watch that video & pics. So, SEEYA! Thursday, June 5, 2008, 3:25 PM
Alrights~Bad news for me. Batam trip is cancelled. I knew i had too much of expectations, 'cos it turns out all to be disappointment. It's all caused by people who flies the aeroplane. Last min backout, for those who doesn't understand. Sian 1/2 already. Boss told them there won't be anymore co trips. Sigh. There's less 1 thing for me to look forward to. :( So tml i will be going to get my uniforms. Going to travel to quite a few places though. These 2 days had been a wonderful one. I was watching those hongkong show TVBI shows in CANTONESE. A total foreign language to me. Though i don't really understand, but i'm trying to pick up. Yes, a person who doesn't understand shouldn't be feeling anything that's from the drama right? But i'm different. I teared. Yea, that's all for today. I wonder how does LOVE taste like? I havent tasted it before. Too much of expectations, gradually becomes disappointment. Wednesday, June 4, 2008, 1:00 PM
I'm back here blogging~Today internet was bad. Kept getting DC. Sigh. But soon such pain will be over! Getting laptop next week alr! HAHAHAS~ Can't wait for that day to come. Also, can't for next weekend. Going Batam. Though i don't know the free and easy is like what. What we do there etc? All i know is Uncles and Ah Peks go there for womanising. Just call it a day of relaxing bahs. Confirmed dates: thursday going make uniform. Fri going back for family day. Sat go out with mama. Sun work. Next tues go 9km walk again. Next wed go shopping. Next thurs buy laptop. Next fri after sis work, go settle wireless thingy. Next sat & sun BATAM! I'm filled with programmes already! YEAH! Monday, June 2, 2008, 9:00 AM
Alrights, I'm currently in office now.Borrowing internet to do my blogging as well as facebooking. Talked pretty much with him yesterday. Not surprising, because the topic was Vanessa. I'm stupid enough to give him tips to make her happy & etc. I shouldn't have done so, isn't it? But anyway, I did that. I helped him by giving him tips to woo Vanessa. How stupid can i be? He told me he gave Vanessa a cup with 2 ears. And she had been using it ever since then. How much i wished, i had one too. Asked him to go along for the 9km walk. And again, he said he doesn't want to join me and my sis. He wants to go with Vanessa. He wants to help Vanessa to quit smoking. Have he ever thought that he tells me all this things, are the things i hate listening to? I doubt he knows anyway. But that's the only way i can chat with him. Sigh. I'm bored at work. I think i'll stop working pretty soon. Probably when school starts i'll stop. It's like, i don't really need money urgently now as like previously. My 2 years school fees had been settled off. And I have the money now to buy my laptop, make my uniform and buy textbooks. And that's all i need now. Furthermore i still have my sis to support me a little. So at the moment, I'm not really eager for money though. Yes, mama striked again yesterday. And we went to J8 at 8pm last night. Went to Best Denki. Mama bought me a Blender. Which i begged for, for damn long a time. Then mama bought an iron to iron my big big thick thick chef uniforms. She chose the most heavy one. Which is superly damn heavy. But she loves it. Yea, so I'm looking out for smoothies recipes. So people, if you happen to come across and smoothies recipe online. Can leave a link at my chatbox please. Thanks! I'm going Batam on 14jun and be back on 15jun night. So there won't be work for this 2 days. Happy me. That means i have 2 weeks of continuously holiday! HOHOHOHO! I'm the 'stalker' of simone. I 'bugged' her phone. Because everytime i can easily guess her conversation with kenny. And knows exactly their topics and what they wanna say. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA~ That's all for today. Long post uh. |